So there's a lot of buzz about the glitches on the previous Holy Wars and cygames approach to deal with it.
A lot of people are asking "Do we still get our prizes?"
Based on the following highlights, I'm inclined to think so...
Of course, cygames ambiguity in the second paragraph has many players in an uproar. Because most of them, including myself don't see how it's fair that users who couldn't battle are going to be compensated, when they themselves aren't getting anything for spending all that hp and possibly not getting a reward.
To those of you I say be patient, which I know is difficult considering the loss we all took this previous war battling harder than ever before. Hopefully (within a day or two), you will see a clarification that you will still be getting your previous war prizes. As it stands now, after the next war (Perhaps Cygames is behind on yet another quest event ;) Only trouble is, for most of us they can't come soon soon enough.
Finally, I'd like to address those of you users that had a 7+ hour lockout, and spent all your hp keeping the idea in mind that there wasn't going to be a redo! Taking a "It's now or never" approach to the previous war, despite your obstacles. Would you have perhaps waited if you foresaw the possibility of a redo?
I know many of you are making the effort to email cygames with a piece of your mind. My advice to you is don't waste your time taking this up privately, but rather publicly. Go to the app review section of your Android Market or AppStore. And write a subjective viewpoint on how much you liked the game, but are extremely dishearted with the game's loyalty to consumers. A bunch of "I hate this game, it is the worst blah blah blah..." isn't going to do anything but make you look like a jackass for bashing one of the top-grossing games in iOS and Android History.
On the contrary, try to take a subjective approach and vent your distraught in a tasteful manner. Explaining why you could possibly be quitting what was once your favorite game. This will not only get the message out to cygames on what they need to change but also new consumers thinking about playing (which cygames cares most about).
Remember they did say they were going to compensate you, but how much and how soon they will compensate you depends on your persistence.
Please address your thoughts here or cut and paste a review you sent from your perspective.
It's a bonus hw to address how big a level of compensation you'll be getting for the troubles. Even if you don't actively participate and just use normal regen stam, you'll still get some sort of bonus. If you choose, you can aim for a higher bonus, but that's entirely on you the player to decide. Either way, it's better than not having this extra HW where you'd get nothing extra. They're not passing out rewards maybe to maintain competitive balance between the glitch orders and the glitch free orders as an order that was glitched would be at a distinct disadvantage to an order that had their ralphs/mikes/archs distributed.
i find it pointless that they are waiting to pass out rewards. That idea about keeping a competitive edge doesnt make sense because i know of affected orders that blow through all there hp in an attempt to make a comeback. This is an extremely dumb solution, i mean you could have just extended the war a couple hours instead or give us our rewards now before the war.
Both very valid points.
Here's another issue I have with the "Redo-War" will stats be posted for both wars once they are over? Or just the "Redo War". Reason being this could be troublesome for orders seeking new members and using their HW ranking stature as the base for their requirements and appeal to new recruits.
Take screenshots once the rankings come out ppl! Just in case.
thats not really that big a deal because personally i know the top rank orders, hell im the scout in my order and i decide whether we bother fighting an order or not. For example orders like Venge, Carpe Noctum, and probably the two strongest Elysian Fields o the crestfallen and Utopia those are always in the top so if they want you to join, hell you better say yea
That and the fact that now they are showing the ranks for the top 10 of all the past wars, im sure in the future it will change to include all the ranks not just top 10
I am one of those underdogs that used all their hp to stay compeditive. What now?? When they do a redo I'm out I got nothing to help. So how can that be fair? What a waste of 50+ hp
I'm in Hero's Guild. We were ranked 13th near the end. We were trying to declare war for our 50th and last match, but to no avail. Constant maintanence problems accured near the end, not to mention the problem in the beginning of the war. If they compensate us, Id like to see us still get the rewards. We worked our butts off to get this rank. Even shutting out Venge TWICE.
haha nice job man venge is tough, but have you gone up against utopia? xD at least two of there players have 5 ff quilins
there def lead has 2 6-10s i believe, its insane and one of there members had the best deck in game his name was eggsuck but i think he's leaving
here's the review I posted:
I loved this. became extremely involved. moved up ranks in my order. and had a great time connecting with people. I loved it until the developers proved that they don't care about their dedicated customers. THEY screwed up with glitches during the last event. then they tell us that they will NOT give us the rewards we deserve & that we must redo the event, after we already spent our hard-earned items (that are harder to replenish). At the very least they should replenish our items to where they were BEFORE the event in question. how can you treat your 1million+ customers like this, most of which spends lots of time & money on your game?
Perfect example of what I was referring to. Nice touch.
Thanks man. Yeah, we faced Utopia. VERY strong. My order was #363 in HW3 and #59 in HW4. We secured #13 for HW5. It was intense. We noticed a lot of the higher ranked orders multi account battling. (multiple people signed onto one account, and attacked multiple people at the same time) Which is how you'd see one account with so many points so quickly.
My guild finished 15th. We all spent a ton of HP and worked hard all weekend. Fought through and figured out how to beat the cheese mechanic. I hate to have to do all that work all over again just 2 weeks later. I think a better solution would have been to give out extra gems rather than devalue the reward cards.
I heard that the glitches were due to a high amount of hacking from players. As a software guy, I kind of side with them on this as glitches don't just suddenly appear and after so many hw, all true bugs would have been vetted out already. The code would have been pretty static and established, with the only new tweak being logging hw victories into the database this round which is stupidly simple.
Bottom line, it's near impossible to find a silver bullet solution to this, but this at least gives EVERYONE something extra in their stocking. What you did in the previous war still stands and if you don't have any HP left, well, neither does anyone else so the field is still pretty even. For those that glitched right before they next tier of rewards, yeah that sucks, but I'll reserve blasting Cygame till I see what the extra side "compensation" is for those orders.
And I'm against the broad stroke give everyone flat value compensation reward as you'd then get people bitching about how they spent way more than what the reward justifies and those that barely did anything getting way more reward than they deserve. Once again, no clean solution, but this one isn't that bad IMO as it gives you the most flexibility.
If they want to do anything use this war as a continuation where the last left off do 3 evanescent powders a day up till the date and go from there. Give the rewards out as it ended and continue from there to earn a better reward everybody's happy.
did you come close to beating utopia man? lol they are like gods hell i bow down to you if you were able to put a fight, in my opinion they deserve number one and nice job in hw hopefully my order can crack top 100 next war
well they are doing 2 hp a day for a whole week so a total of 14, not bad if you ask me
of course i tend to use 10-70 hp a battle so yeah.....
I still like 3 a day better at least 21 and all the people that have personal hp from invites i held onto over 55 and still have 60 or so in presents which is gonna help :)
This is a comment to the blog post and not an input to the discussion in the comment field.
I really think people have misunderstood what they are trying to do.
1. The last HW will count and rewards will be distributed after the revival HW is finished. Meaning everyone will get rewards according to their ranking.
2. The revival HW will distribute reward with same conditions as the previous one.
Why are people so upset about this? It was a nice HW with good reward conditions.
As for the comments about "Because most of them, including myself don't see how it's fair that users who couldn't battle are going to be compensated, when they themselves aren't getting anything for spending all that hp and possibly not getting a reward."
I do not quite understand this. There were orders that were totally unaffected by the Batman bug NaN:NaN:NaN:NaN these order could declare war and succeed with 10,30,50 victory conditions. They had a fair chance of 72 Hours to accomplish that.
My own order was locked out for 24 hours unable to declare war. We did the best we could and ended up on 28 Victories. Given us 24 hours more would we taken 2 more victories? Yes we would. Its quite a big difference getting 100 Gems or 500 Gems when you hit 30 victories.
We spent a big chunk of HP to catch up so so is it unreasonable that order like us would get compensation?
Honestly I dont care if cygames gives all order a compensation even those not effected. Im not going to complain "this and that order benefited more". Feels like narrow-minded and childish approach.
I do think that giving everyone or only the effected orders x-amount of extra victories is easiest way to compensate for cygames. That way they do not have to recalculate the entire ranking list of order like they would do by handing out extra holy war points to only effected orders. That could be messy.
Erm...This isn't particularly related to this post, but I'd like to know your opinion about the lockout strategy, miz.
IGN PacisQuodVirtus (member of Risen from The Ashes of Chaos, we fought you once. Eezo was INSANE.)
My username is godless30 and I must say I don't think we should have to redo all our hard work the clan.I'm in W-W ranked in top 250 this war and the last 345 we worked our buts off to get there I personalty used-gave over 100 HP in that war between my use and helping my teammates out I realize we didn't rank as high as most of the other players that posted here but we tried and it took over an hour for our first war declared those bugs didn't get fixed til about our 6th war. And I've been watching and reading other players comments and remarks.about the messups. None of us want or have the means to.fight another hw this soon
I'm really concerned about the recent mess, our order "The Big Bang Theory" was losing all of our hardcore members due to lack of what I'd call anal leadership, so I stepped up to the mark and managed to get us ranked (for the first time) within the top 1,000, I think we're around 800. I'm really concerned because we (as a family) had sold a lot of our cards to achieve our 30 wins and we're all awaiting our rewards, without which we're at a distinct disadvantage. We managed our 30 wins with enough time to even help our noobs generate the points needed for the extra gems although we suffered, like most with the glitches. I'm now thinking due to the fact we have never worked so hard before that without the rewards that we worked so hard for we'll sink straight back down the rankings again and the weekend I had with no sleep would have been for nothing
you got 30 wins?, on average how many holy points did you get per battle (as an order) ?
I'm afraid I'm not sure. It's the first time anyone has really taken serious initiative in our order, and I still class myself as a noob as I'm not as knowledgeable and organised as some. Out of everyone who spent any real amount of time playing there wasn't anyone who didn't achieve the 1,000 for 100 gem reward to my knowledge.
Athony: congrats on the 30 wins! it's nice to hear you say what you did. our order "gods of valhalla" is still "up and coming." and we hope to get up there with the big dogs one day. only with the last holy war (the glitchy one), has [new] our leader really taken a proactive approach. i worked my way up into vice-leader (unbeknownst to me) by taking that same attitude you have. we went from 12k position to 2.7k with the last war. it think we had 17:16 (losses prevailing). very few of use are able to spend real money (myself included), but we definitely worked our butts off and even upped our communication strategies thru palringo.
taking on a holy war this soon definitely is a strain, but the extra evanescence holy powders at least helped a bit. if anyone has any tips to "up and coming" orders, please share :D IGN MoonlitMystery
PS. i am so thankfuly for Zuks and all the moderators of ragetrades! you make this glitchy game more than worth it. and i appreciate the community as a whole. It's nice to be a part of a real fantasy world. (yes i'm feeling sappy today LoL)
In game Tatumlyric. My order Spice Traders of Quarth has been having AWFUL glitches. Even worst than the HW a couple weeks ago. We have been consistently kicked out of the game during battles and unable to get the game to work till they were over. We were in top 1,000 orders and doing amazing and now so far we have lost 5 in a row due to glitches. I have had our entire team unable to play the game at all for nearly half of battles we were in. We even had one game where all of our points were just given to the other team. We had a ton of points and they had none with 20seconds on the clock, and then we lost and it said we didn't hit them at all and they hit us. It is insane how many resources we have spent and how far we have worked to put ourselves on the map and how badly the game issues have hurt us. Many people are just quitting because they are so angry. I know for a fact many order members have spent real money to advance themselves in the game enough to play seriously and money for this HW specifically. All the time, money, and excitement for nothing on TWO different events. I would like to send a complaint. We all would because who knows if we will be compensated or if they even know which orders are having serious issues and which ones aren't. I have looked everywhere and all i can find is a place to put a short comment on a random page. Clearly not the place to go for this but they have to hear about it somehow. How doe we contact them?
My order ranked #1! From 363, 59,13 to number 1! We did it!
Good work ^ Sounds like you guys worked really hard to get to number 1 :) My order, Death Knights, has been aiming for top 20 but we've been having internal problems. It's good to hear about a hard working order like yours
Yes. Teamwork is a major key. I've seen member who leave and join other orders and the teamwork isn't there. Lack of communication.
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