Friday, June 1, 2012

Understanding your Card's Skill Level Boosts

A lot of people have wondered how the skill levels and boosts work.

Skill Cards
From High Normal rarity card onwards, there are cards with skills which will affect how combat turn about by giving Boost or Hit on specific stats.
If you use these skill cards to enhance another card with a skill, it will give you a chance of increasing the skill level which is scaled according to the rarity and evolve state of the material card.
The probability of the skill level increase will show up right before you enhance your card

Your deck can get boosted by the effects from Skill Cards, they either boost for all, self or alignment specific.
A boost grants you approximately the following percentages:
*See the skill chart below for a more exact number

Small boost* 2.5 - 5%
Medium boost* 5-10%
Big boost* 10-20%
Great boost* 10-30%
Massive boost* 15-40%
Realm Alignment boost 5%
Def/atk leader 5%

A skill level increases the boost by approximately 1% per level
This ifrit has a skill of big boost to god's attack. That alone is 13% (12.5% to be exact, but lets round up) boost.
Add that to an additional 1% per level.

So if it was level 5 it would be:
13% + 4(1%) = 17%

But since it is at its Max Skill Level, which is 10. It gives the other attack god cards a 22% more attack boost each. That's seriously uping your attack if you use all god cards!!! And that's not even utilizing your other bonuses!
*Numbers were fixed on 6-27-12, were messed up during recoding.

Remember the other bonuses!
• an order bonus (usually around 5%)
• an order attack or def leader (another 5%)
• Using a card specific to your realm (2% boost)

All of that gives my ifrit's attack about a 34% boost and also my other God Card's Attack!
So don't focus so much on what a cards attack or def number is. Focus on what the skill is and how it can be best utilized in your deck.

New Update!

So I found a more elaborate percentage change that happens with each type of boost. This one is actually from the Japanese Version & Translated into English. So there might be some minor discrepancies.

New Chart from Japanese Wiki, Translated by US Wiki Updated 7-28-12

Old Chart... so some numbers in this article may stated as such:

* Some Percentages have been rounded up to the values you see above (ex: 12.5%>13%)

*NEW* Probability of Skill Boosts!

Section Uploaded 7-17-2012

A lot of people are asking whats the best way to enhance to get from one skill level to the next.

These charts represent the probability percentages of increased skill level (left 1st column)  using each rarity type of card (top 1st row).

This chart was translated from one of my Japanese game sources. So far, I found any discrepancies.

Skill Boost Q&A:

Question Regarding Trading:

Is a Titan a true HR card or is it an event card? Is it considered a good trade to trade it for a Nymph?

For those of you that don't know, 

Here are the FACTS:

Un Evo Titan - God HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 22
Max Attack: 7660 • Max Defense: 6000
Skill: Big Hit to Foe's Man Def

Un Evo Nymph - God HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 21
Max Attack: 6530 • Max Defense: 6600
Skill: Big Boost to God's Attack & Def

With that being said: it depends on what you currently have in your deck
(if you plan on using it in your 5 card deck once the card is in Final Form)

When Trading Card Options are close in power, the first thing I look at is skill.
Both have the word "Big attached to it" which approximately means a 10% increase
(See the chart above this question)

Now with Nymph bc its attack is spread to god's attack and def increase, it's an 8% boost at level 1

Titan on the other hand decreases 1 type (Man's) Def at 13% at level 1

If you have mostly god cards in both your attack and defense decks and plan on using the nymph in it. I would go for the Nymph. But if you don't have mostly god cards and want to take a deep chunk out of your man type (there's always a man type to battle for treasures) opponent's def, then I would highly recommend going with Titan for your attack deck. 13% base is great start!
One more tip regarding this trade, a lot of people don't know about the skill type percentage differences in the boosts. Most people assume that the big boost is automatically 10% and it is not. Because of this misconception, whoever is getting the nymph 'looks' like they are getting the better deal. So if you are giving up the Nymph, you could most likely get away with telling the opposing trader to sweeten the deal with 5 hp or a couple angel queens. I guarantee they will give it up unknowingly.

Question Regarding Self Boosts

"Why do I want these cards, if they only raise themselves?
Why not an attack all skill? That's better after all"
No no no! You're so very mistaken.  

Cards with the Self Atk/Def boost are getting a bad wrap (like Shenlong, Hermes & Yinglong). 

Let's look at some of the cards in my deck.
Hermes skill is great boost its attack and def, which is right around 30% 
(big is def 20% and massive is 40 for self atk and def)

So let's take Hermes skill bonus
attack: 19072 x 30% = 5722 skill bonus
And def: 18392 x 30% = 5499 skill bonus

The average person that is level 60 has a deck of each card being approximately 13000 atk & def.

13000 x 5 = 65000 total avg attack without boosts.

Valk's gods attack skill is 15% to all gods.

So let's say you have all god cards at around 13k average attack, that's 65000 avg attack x 15% boosts = 9750, but again you would have to have all god cards! Now before you get hasty and say that's still higher than it is with Hermes, I'll correct you.

Hermes boost is for attack and def! So if we added those two Hermes boost together 5722 + 5499 = 11221! Which beats Valkyrie. And more suitable most other SS RARE Evo bonuses with the single realm attack (or just defense) boost.

Now let's take another Evo SS RARE, but with an attack all boost. Nobunaga has attack boost all but only 10% for each card. 4max Nobu is at 13k, if u have 4 other cards around the same (totaling an average of 65000), it would be a 6500 bonus. But again this bonus is only in attack.
Now what do you do with this information? You start trading smart! I was able to get my 2 of my Hermes from two separate people using the much over rated card Michael with a Great attack all boost. Most people who have fully Evo maxed Mike in their decks have an average deck with an attack of 16500 per card. So that's 16500 x 5 cards = 82500. So 10% of that is 8250. But again this is only in attack! Compared to Hermes which gives your deck a total boost of 11221 total between both decks.

Further tests:

First proof of Hermes being 30%...

This was sent to an account that was Demon Realm and did not belong to an order...

Putting it up against Valk:

A 4-6 card max Valk is approximately 13.6k. So that's 2040 boost with its 15%, so if you have 5 of these in your attack deck, that would be a 10200 boost on top of 68000. Totaling a total attack of 78,200 with one hild going off

Now lets look at Hermes, 4-6 max attack is 19k, So that totals 95,000. One card going off is 5722. Totaling a total attack of 100,772.

Now Mike:

If you had a 5 Mike Deck
17800 per mike x 5 = 89,000 + 1 card going off 10% boost on all = 97,900 still lower than hermes


Anonymous said...


Great post, I would just like to add order bonuses of 5% depending on alignment if your order has purchased them

Zuks said...

Tysm! And yes I included it at the bottom :)

Anonymous said...

The boost %'s are COMPLETELY wrong. They are all different based on the type of boost (ALL, Alignment, ATK/DEF) and base level (small/med/big/great).

The cards with boost to their own atk/def are 20% for medium at level 1 skill. The cards with medium boost to alignment are 10% base, the cards, like Nymph/Inugami/Greatspirit, that give boost to ATK/DEF are 8% for Big boost. Valkyrie Hild gives base 15% to God ATK at skill level 1.

Should take those numbers down and test them for the true ones.

Zuks said...

Actually you should learn to read before the whole post before commenting.
First off. The numbers u r saying that r written incorrectly here say APPROXIMATE.
Second the chart with those numbers you r speaking of is at the bottom. And no I'm sorry you do not get a 20%

Zuks said...

....boost from a medium skill. Only a massive has that when the card boosts his own atk or def. in any event, rob has confirmed that the chart above is correct as stated above. If you have proof other wise feel free to dispute this

Zuks said...

I do Agree with you nymphs stats though. And if you would have bothered to read my response to the one above yours, you would clearly see that I said nymph was at 8% base. Sorry everyone for dwelling on this, it just bothers me when people are quick to critize before knowing all the facts

Zuks said...

If anyone would like to see additional proof that the table above I use is correct. Please use google chrome in translating the following japanese page:

Zuks said...

Going to be looking event skill boost percentages this week. If anyone already knows what they are, please let me know. (ex. Wall damage, boost in war points, etc...)

Unknown said...

Should I evo my HN skill cards prior to using them to enchance or use them in base form to enhance?

Zuks said...

Doesn't matter what evO level the cards are at, only what skill level. If u use cards to enhance cards with higher skill levels. Chances are greater on getting skills on ur higher cards.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the reply, I came up with the same thing. Is level 10 the max on skill?

Unknown said...

are you sure medium boost to self atk/def isn't 19%? i attacked with a yinglong++ starting with 8217 atk, +realm and order (5% each) would take it to 9059, but my final attack was 10785 which approximates to a 19% boost


Zuks said...

Yes I'm sure. The game calibrations are the same as they are in the Japanese version for skills. I've been in contact with a few players from there and a few from here. All of us confirmed these standings. Perhaps, they may round a number here or there giving you the 19%.

Unknown said...

if you try to level up skill, and have a 85% chance to level up but doesnt, does that carry over? Is probably best to just wait for 100%

Zuks said...

Ricardo I am so glad u brought this up, Bc I always mean to and forget. Once the boosts move to level 3 on S cards and up, you need to only go for 100% boosts. Idk why the game says u have an 85% when it's more like 30% on these higher level boosts. I had a card that I was trying to move from 4-5 and lost on an 80% chance 4 times in a row!! So to be on the safe side, for level 3 and up on s and higher)

Zuks said...

...always use 2 devil queens for 100%

Unknown said...

damn that sucks. So that means when you get down to level 7 or 8 you going to have maxed skilled feeders just to get to 100%.

MoonlitMystery said...

I finally have my divine tree daphne! it was hard work, but I feel so accomplished. I went with the 4-6 u suggested. (thank u) I'm trying to level up the skill during this 6th enhancement. it's at skill level 2 now. I just tried for skill level 3. 10 HN with skills. it only gave me 80/85% chance & failed :( I have 2 questions: how do u ensure 100% chance? and if u reach max level enhancement but not skill level, will it allow u to do further skill enhancing?

MoonlitMystery said...

correction to my previous question: other than devil queens, is there any other way to ensure 100% chance skill enhancement?

Zuks said...

if you use cards with skills that higher than level one to enhance, you increase your chance of skill boost.

Zuks said...

That's actually a good way to use those crappy treasure cards, they pick up boosts rather easily and can be used to enhance for higher level cards that don't. Also most rare cards give S cards a 12% chance of boost. So use a combo like that if necessary

Estinto said...

Hello can I clarify where a Hope Princess would fall into? The chart above doesnt seem to have a % for Great boost to atk/def (all).

Anonymous said...

Does the card placement in your def deck determine the skills activated like it does in your atk deck?

Zuks said...

Although i no longer have this card, I do remember calc its boost. If my memory serves correctly it was 8%

Zuks said...

They get shuffled from time to time. But normally they go off in the order u add them to the deck. But mostly random. But I do notice those going off more often. But that may be just me.

MoonlitMystery said...

if I may clarify (sorry in running on sleep deprivation LoL) so to get a better chance at enhancing skills, take my HN cards with skills & get them up to level 2 skill, then use them to enhance my card? I currently have 5R's & 1HR in my atk deck (the HR is the one highest rarity card I have) and I know u mentioned using rares to enhance skills or S... sorry still getting hip with the lingo: do u mean an SR? should I use my rares to enhance only SR & above (whenever I get a hold of one)?

Wayne said...

Great site. Informative and well organized. But I have a question on the argument that Hermes Atk/Def boost is better than Valk's Atk boost. Isn't only either atk or def point counted depending on whether you are attacking or defensing? so in any battle only one buff is actually in effect. In this regard, valk's buff is certainly better in an attack deck, right?

Unknown said...

I am also confused about ifrit. so looking at your chart doesnt ifrit start at 13% and go up to 23% at lvl 10? and doesn't its boost affect all god including itself? so what do you mean by 35% to the other four gods? is that something special for maxing skill lvl? thank you!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

on the game's FAQ section for skills, it says that skill lvl affects likelyhood of activation. is this also tested and true

Unknown said...

In game FAQ:

"Q: What do the skills do?

A: Skills are activated during battles. The skills that will be used during battles are based on chance and probability. Increasing a card's skill level will increase the chances of its skill being used during battles."

Since this is from the official in-game FAQ I assume it's correct. Doesn't that invalidate this entire article?

FaustyFaust said...

also if lv 1 is for example 10% lv 5 would be 14% not 15% since you are adding 4 levels/4 % to the amount.

Unknown said...

Hello, i wonder what would be the boost of a lvl 10 skilled Princess ? Would it be around 30%? And is luciella more interesting then ?

Unknown said...

Sorry to repost but my message disappeared !

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Incom said...

I do not want to be rude, I do enjoy the information in your posts.

But more often than not, your math is totally off. Either that or you have some part of the equation you neglect to mention.

Take this as an example:

"Big boost* 10-20%

So if it was level 5 it would be:
10% + 4(1%) = 14%

But since it is at its Max Skill Level, which is 10. It gives the other attack god cards a 34% more attack boost each"

How does a skill level 5 ifrit give 14% boost while a level 10 ifrit gives 34% if each skill level gives "Add that to an additional 1% per level." Surely another 5 levels would total at 19%.

Like I said, I appreciate your information. But maybe you want to recruit me for your mathematical calculations? :)

Unknown said...

Actually, the fact that each card gains 1% per level doesn't mean that it's impossible to get a bonus for level 10... And it would explain why some people make the effort of enhancing their card to such level

Unknown said...

Hi Zuks. Been checking your site out for a while and I really appreciate everything you and everyone else has taught me!

I wanted to mention in response to an earlier post that I have a Ninja with Med boost to self and I have tested him 3 times; twice before I leveled up his skill and once after. In all 3 cases the Med boost to self was 20% with the skill level of 1 level equalling 22% (20% +(2 * 1%)=22%. Unless I missed the retraction, you stated that no card with Med has 20% boost.

Anyway, thanks again to you and to everyone.

Ingame: MadChastity

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zuks said...

"Hi Zuks. Been checking your site out for a while and I really appreciate everything you and everyone else has taught me!

I wanted to mention in response to an earlier post that I have a Ninja with Med boost to self and I have tested him 3 times; twice before I leveled up his skill and once after. In all 3 cases the Med boost to self was 20% with the skill level of 1 level equalling 22% (20% +(2 * 1%)=22%. Unless I missed the retraction, you stated that no card with Med has 20% boost."

NP Christie Ninja should be around 10%, Ive never tested him though. I will get one of these and find out lol. I would assume it would it be 10, since I know the big boost to self is 20%. Although I have never tested the ninja.

I will find out though :)

Zuks said...

"In game FAQ:

"Q: What do the skills do?

A: Skills are activated during battles. The skills that will be used during battles are based on chance and probability. Increasing a card's skill level will increase the chances of its skill being used during battles."

Since this is from the official in-game FAQ I assume it's correct. Doesn't that invalidate this entire article?"

Do the math and see if you don't get an increased boost ;)

Zuks said...

"Hello, i wonder what would be the boost of a lvl 10 skilled Princess ? Would it be around 30%? And is luciella more interesting then ?"

I haven't tested either of these, but if it went in order of the scale... I would guess around 7.5% because not only does it effect all realms, but both attack and def.

Unknown said...

thanks a lot for your help! I have one more little question if you do not mind. I wonder what is the more efficient between increasing atk and decreasing defense? Is it counted the same way? For example the decrease is added to your atk

Zuks said...

Wow sorry guys. I realize why my math was off when I recoded this section. I originally had ifrit at 13% (12.5%) to be exact. Which is his actual base. Sorry about the 10% mix up with the recode. I will fix later.

Zuks said...

Sorry I'm not exactly sure what you r asking? Could u use a specific example?

Zuks said...

"...But since it is at its Max Skill Level, which is 10. It gives the other attack god cards a 34% more attack boost each"

How does a skill level 5 ifrit give 14% boost while a level 10 ifrit gives 34% if each skill level gives "Add that to an additional 1% per level." Surely another 5 levels would total at 19%.

Like I said, I appreciate your information. But maybe you want to recruit me for your mathematical calculations? :)"

You're right lol, but it is because I recently recoded this section when I added the skill boost probabilities to the chart. ifrits skill boost base was switched to 10% when it is actually 13%. I have corrected this mistake, but thank u for noting it

Zuks said...

Ok so I got a Ninja card and tested the boost, you are correct when you said the boost was 20%, So I went back to the japanese site where I originally got the skill chart and they had sense updated their boosts, Go figure!

I will repost.

Zuks said...

Hey u we're right. I tested ninja myself and it was 20%. Went back to the Japanese source I originally got the stat boosts from and they had since updated it. New chart above. Thanks Christie. If it hadnt been for u, I would have never found the new chart (at least not for a little bit).

Zuks said...

Yes Valk's buff is better than Hermes. However, Valk's low attack counter-acts its skill. Making Hermes better.

future star281 said...

Hey I have a fafner and its skill is great hit to foes defense, I was wondering what is the percentage of the hit and is fafner worth having due to its low attack for a s rare (17k)

beastest22 said...

"Does the card placement in your def deck determine the skills activated like it does in your atk deck?"
yes it does your middle card's skill goes off 100% of the time. the following % will be how your deck would look like when finished...

30%,50%,100%,70%,10% 30% being your left most card 10% being your right most card

beastest22 said...

30%,70%,100%,50%,10% actually sorry so when you create a deck the first card you put will activate 100% the second 70% 3rd 50% 4th 30% 5th 10% be aware if the card you want in the middle is not your leader card the deck will shuffle it i dont know why but the dev's for R.o.B. should look into and fix that

Unknown said...


I'm a newbie, got a bit lost/confused with this:

This ifrit has a skill of big boost to god's attack. That alone is 13% (12.5% to be exact, but lets round up) boost.
Add that to an additional 1% per level.

So if it was level 5 it would be:
13% + 4(1%) = 17%

Where did you get 13% from?

Unknown said...

Hey zuks i wanna know about hit also.... Could u explain to us.. Hitting (all) hitting (realm) thier percentage.. Just want to know if which skill is better.. Self boost, boost, or hitting.. Thankss!!!!!

Zuks said...

It says in the chart for defense decrease all.

Zuks said...

Look at chart. 13% for Big Boost 1type Increase

Zuks said...

Yeah hitting all realms is in the skill chart as realm type all. Increase if it boosts ur deck, decrease if lowers opponents deck. Then take into consideration whether it works for atk def or both. The more coverage the skill has, the lower percentage the boost

Ken said...

Hi Zuks, thanks for the info so far. But there's still something that i do not understand. On the chart above, some cells only have the % but not the numbers, what does that mean? For example Dark Knight Luciella's Great hit to foe's atk/def. Where does it stand? Is it All, ATK/DEF, Increase(attacking)/ Decrease(defending)? If so, there isn't any numbers on that row. Thanks.

Insatiable- said...

Hi Miz,

I have a question regarding self boosts.

Say for example I had 3 ifrits in the middle and 2 hermes at the sides, and in a battle 1-2 ifrit skills go off including 1 of the hermes.

I was wondering if the boost from hermes would be affected by the additional attack given by the ifrit(s) or would it only be from its own base value?

Thanks in advance :)

Unknown said...

Hi Zuks,
Need your help. Im playing around with an amazon and I cant get the boost calculations to equal 25%, or any other whole percentage point actually.

Base: 1660
Order Bonus: 5%= 83
No Alignment Bonus
No Skill upgrade (lvl 1)
No attack against me
Final score: 2179
This means 436 points for the skill boost (right?)
436/1660= 26.2651% (???)

Can you test an amazon and see if you get the same? It doesnt make any sense to me. Isn't it odd that a boost would equal 26.27%?

Unknown said...

Sorry if I missed it somewhere... but what is the formula for final results... do all buffs come off of base or result of previous buff. I'm currently working on a spreadsheet and was about 3k off from what I was actually doing in game by using the cards base attack as the percentage key. Came closer by stacking (percentages off of the results from previous buffs) but was still off by a bit...

Richard said...

So essentially you have to feed high normal skilled with high normal skilled right?

Richard said...

So if I want to in increase the skill level of an SR at level three to four my feeders would have to be a skill level of three or four in order to gain a skill level?

Unknown said...

Alright, I run a deck that looks like this:

Ifrit - 14903 atk
Big boost to gods atk skill 5
Mayahuel - 15558 atk
Big hit to foe's def (all) skill 4
Mayahuel - 15724 atk
Big hit to foe's def (all) skill 3
Mayahuel - 15233 atk
Big hit to foe's def (all) skill 3
Mayahuel - 15233 atk
Big hit to foe's def (all) skill 3

Total base atk: 76651
I have the following buffs:
Order +5%
Atk Leader
Am Gods, so I get the realm bonus on all cards.

I hit for 103107 with the Ifrit going off and 88739 if it does not.

Looking at the math supplied, I am not coming up with these numbers, but the closest I can come up with is this:

Attack modifiers occur in the order that they appear on the screen, and they are cumulative.

Instead of Order+atk lead+realm bonus being 15%(or 12% as mentioned in the article here) I am showing a 15.77% increase. Furthermore, if the Ifrit skill 5 goes off, I see a 34.5% total increase instead of what would theoretically be a 31.5% bonus. There is an extra 3% somewhere and it can be nearly accounted for like this:

76651*1.05 (order bonus) = 80483
80484*1.05 (atk leader) = 84508
84508*1.05 (realm bonus) = 88733
88733*1.162 (Ifrit sk 5 bonus) = 103108

I assume there is some rounding in there that I can't replicate at the moment, but it comes up really close doing it like that.

Now, I don't have the number directly in front of me, but if I plug in an additional 10% before the Ifrit goes off, and still use 16.2% for it, I get a number very close to what I usually hit when I have a morale bonus. (around 113k)

I still have a lot of questions, and I'm trying to predict outcomes as upgrades become vague. If anyone has information available to help here, please pass it on.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kyle Stennes said...

Okay everyone, in the "off-time," since trades are down, I've been doing some math. Here's what I've learned:

Order boost: 5%
Atk/Def Leader: 5%
Realm Boost: 5%
Then the numbers in the skill chart are exact (not approximate!).

First, Order boost and Atk/Def lead boost activate cumulatively (i.e. base*1.05*1.05 or base*1.05 if not an atk/def lead).

Secondly, these numbers need to be applied to EACH card individually and then added together because the system rounds EACH up to the next whole number if a decimal.

Now here's the tricky part! After those first two, each boost applies one at a time (e.g. added, not multiplied like the first two). Also, after the realm boost, the system uses simple rounding (i.e. down to the closest whole number if the decimal is <.5 and up if it is >.5).

The second catch (you were waiting for it, weren't you?): any boosts after the order boosts (both order and atk/def lead are order boosts) is calculated from the result of the order boosts, not including the realm boost.

Example (because that was dang confusing!):
Maxed Camulia has 10324 atk.
10324 x 1.05(order boost)= 10841 (10840.2 rounded up).
10841 x 1.05(atk leader boost)= 11384 (11383.05 rounded up).

Are you with me so far? Next, the realm boost is applied for demons:
11384 x 1.05 = 11954 (11953.2 rounded up... for the last time).

Now let's say you get 3 additional skill boosts: Big boost to Demon ATK @ skill lvl 6 (18%), another Big boost to Demon ATK @ skill lvl 5 (17%), and a Medium boost to Demon ATK @ skill lvl 5 (14%). If you have questions on these percentages, consult the chart and previous posts about adding 1% per skill level over 1.

Now remember, these boosts are calculated from the total BEFORE the realm boost! Even though our card (also remember, everything is applied to EACH card individually!) is currently sitting at 11954, we must use the previous 11384 number and add back in the realm boost at the end. Sounds crazy, right? But bear with me. So...
11384 x 1.49 (49% because 18%+17%+14%=49%, ADDED, not multiplied, remember?) = 16962 (16962.16 rounded down because of simple rounding). Add back in the realm boost (11954-11384=570) to get the total for this card:
16962 + 570 = 17532.

Apply this same method to each of your 5 cards and you have your total! You can also use the same process with only 1 boost, no order and realm boost or what ever combination you can imagine to know EXACTLY what your attack will be. After this, you could calculate debuffs in the same way (added, not multiplied).

That was probably crazy confusing, but if anyone followed it, that's how it works. I've calculated outcomes for 4 people's decks with 100% accuracy. So, if you have a question, or can't figure it out, drop me a line (ign: NorsemanX) and I'll see what I can do. At some point I can send my excel spreadsheet so it can do the work for you, but we'll see if people are interested first.

Happy gaming! (if they ever let us trade again...)

Unknown said...

Absolutely awesome, thanks for that Kyle, exactly what I was looking for for my spreadsheet... now to do a redesign :p

Dan Lim said...

I posted this on another response but putting it out here too.

A very much easier way to calculate is this:

1. Add 1 point to your total att/def for every card in your deck.
2. Multiply by order bonus (5%) and by att/def minister bonus if applicable (5%)
3. Add realm boost, add all skill boosts and minus all debuffs to get final boost. Multiply the result from step 2 with this.

I'll use Teebawarick's post from above as an example.

"Total base atk: 76651
I have the following buffs:
Order +5%
Atk Leader
Am Gods, so I get the realm bonus on all cards.
I hit for 103107 with the Ifrit going off and 88739 if it does not."


5 god cards in the deck. Since they're all god cards easy to calculate. If not all are god then you'd have to take those cards out and calculate separately.

77651 + 5 (5 cards in deck) = 77656
77656 * 1.05 (order bonus) * 1.05 (attack leader) = 84513.24
84513.24 * 1.22 (Ifrit sk 5 17% plus realm bonus 5%) = 103106.2 resulting in 103107 rounded up
84513.24 * 1.05 (no Ifrit so just realm bonus) = 88738.9 resulting in 88739 rounded up

Unknown said...

Average level 60! Oh geez am I behind! Lol

russellcor said...

Kyle Stennes,
How did get 1.05? I'm reading and rereading your post and you say

order boost is 5% but then you say base*1.05

can you explain that to me or maybe give me your spread sheet?


Unknown said...

russellcor it goes like this:
5% Boost is the same as 1.05. Its just that you need to multiplay with 1.05 to get the boost.
Thats becose 1=100%, then 1/100=0,01
0,01 is also 1% Boost but since you have 5% you must multiplay that by 5 0,01*5=0,05
I hope it is clear to you now.

iRunHome said...

One more thing to add to this, but isn't the 5% boost applied seperate from each other? Saying I had 100K base, and got the realm boost to 105K. The order boost would then apply to the 105K providing for a bigger boost than a cummulative

iRunHome said...

10%? That's what I believed? The system is like compound interest?

Unknown said...

Had a question. Say u have a Hermes in your deck and an aspara. Aspara goes off as well as Hermes, does Hermes get boosted from aspara at its boosted state or does it boost at its base def