Saturday, July 28, 2012

Battle Decks

9/4/12 11:43 PM

This Section is currently being re-done. In the meantime, you can click on the links below for more info.

Click Here for more information on HOW SKILL BOOSTS WORK

Click Here for more info on Battle Ranking


Razeall said...

It's true, a deck with multiple same skills still goes of randomly, i happen to have 2 valkyries and they usually both activate.
One of my findings is that the middle card has highest chance to activate, something like: ( 20%-50%-80%-50%-20%) these numbers are not acurate but just an indication

Zuks said...

That's a great point. Normally the middle card always goes off.

Unknown said...

The ordering of your cards in your deck plays an important role. Put the card who's willing you want fired always as your first card and then go downward from there.

If the cards match your realm the odds increase, and your the card that's first in your deck will ALWAYS fire off.

I've never had more than three skills fire though, but might be possible. This refers to attack of course as I haven't been there to witness defense. I need to do some research there.

Unknown said...

Oh sorry, my in game name is StTyrael. Some here know me :-)

MoonlitMystery said...
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MoonlitMystery said...

aloha again :) thanks again for this amazing site. i have a question about the new battle system. how is it possible for people to win 30k points in one day? or even 10s of thousands of points in one day? it makes me a bit... hm... forlorn when i see the battle rankings. if you have any insight on this, that would be awesome.
IGN: moonlitmystery

MoonlitMystery said...
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Unknown said...

if you have a decent hr evolved to sr deck like mine the strategy is to get the moral boost to 30%. This takes holy powder and is limited to 10 minutes from first attack.

(Good info for hw defence leader that seems unbeatable)
Goes up 10 21 30. First you hit garanteed wins. perferably high pointers. When you feel confident move to the high rankers and start nailing the high points and hope you dont lose and lose that moral bonus.

Have a decent defence and appear to have a weaker deck then what you have. Defending gives alot of points. once your in the top 500 your name comes up as high ranker. you'll get alot of attacks.

The higher your attack is the more points ya get per person. So if you dont use hp let your sta build almost to max then attack. I trid that yesterday and ranked 350ish without useing hp.

MoonlitMystery said...

wow! thank u Gregory. so it's not all cheating :) I feel better now. I've never gotten more than 10% boost. how do u get a higher boost? on this note, if I can get another question answered (which may seem like a stupid question so please excuse me. this is my first TCG ever). how do the atk & def stats work in a defense. until recently, I just assumed your attack pts had to be higher that your opponent's def points (when u are the one doing the attacking). is this how it works? or do the defenders atk points also play a role?

Unknown said...

"(which may seem like a stupid question so please excuse me. this is my first TCG ever)."
only stupid question in the question ya didnt ask that ya need the answer for.

I dont think they play a part outside of possably on bosses dying faster.

to get more attack boost you have to have successfull atk after successfull atk. if any other variences to it i dont know. think 1 kill can get ya 10% after another 2 21% after another 2 30%. I think.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that for each victory against someone whose deck is close or more expensive than yours, you get a bonus.
Each bonus runs for 10 minutes and offers 10%. Bonuses stack.
So, win a first fight and get 10%, win a second one and get 10% more (total of 21%). Win more and reach 30%. Then you can use a cheaper deck and rack in the points. I've only gotten till 21% personally.

Anonymous said...

also, i've seen explanations saying your chance for each card's boost to activate is depending on the card placement. From top to bottom (in the card building view, in battle view, it is center/right center/left center/right outside/left outside):
Top: 100%
2nd: 80%
3rd: 60%
4th: 40%
5th: 20%

Max of 3 boosts. So order your cards according to the boost you want.
Remember that the 'best attack/defense' automatic decks are built by selecting the card with the highest ATT/DEF that your deck can afford until all slots are filled or all points gone, regardless of skills.

MoonlitMystery said...

thanks for all the help everyone!

Zuks said...

"also, i've seen explanations saying your chance for each card's boost to activate is depending on the card placement. From top to bottom (in the card building view, in battle view, it is center/right center/left center/right outside/left outside):
Top: 100%
2nd: 80%
3rd: 60%
4th: 40%
5th: 20%

Max of 3 boosts. So order your cards according to the boost you want.
Remember that the 'best attack/defense' automatic decks are built by selecting the card with the highest ATT/DEF that your deck can afford until all slots are filled or all points gone, regardless of skills."

You are correct, I added a section about that here. TY

Unknown said...

" (in the card building view, in battle view, it is center/right center/left center/right outside/left outside)"

This is not true when doing the def decks. I noticed that the top card was put in the right center not the center, second card was left center and third card was center....the forth and fifth remain in correct spots.

in game I am ladystarlea (new to game so thank you so much for this site and all the work you put into it. It is a is help for me and my daughter)

bigpoppafluff said...

ok zuki, I need some help. Im the atk leader for our order. Should I go with the highest atk I can Or with the best skills I have? My highest atk is 81650. with my highest atk Im not a full god deck. (master sam)

My best skills are:
grt boost to god atk (valk)
big boost to god atk (ifrit)
big hit to def all (Maya)
big hit to man def (titan)
big boodt to hw points (Princi)

any advice would be nice.


Nicole Grotepas said...

I couldn't get my ATK deck to allow me to put my S Rare card in the middle slot. No matter how I tried to manipulate the deck order, it ALWAYS moved my Tiamat to an outside slot. Pissed me off. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or maybe the devs nerfed this ability.

Unknown said...

Hey i have a question and i wasnt sure where to post but this seemed like the best area. its about a replacement card for my Fairy Princess+ card. im an attack ldr in my order but struggling to get good cards due to the fact i dont buy them. Here is what my deck looks like as of now:

1st: FF Ifrit 14.9 atk skill5
2nd: Valk 12.5k atk skill2
3rd: FP+ 2.2k atk skill3
4th: FF Maya 15.2 atk skill3
5th: FF Principality 16.5 atk skill5

If you were to make any changes, what would be the best course of action? idc for def for now, focusing mainly on attack.

Would GREATLY appreciate any advice. Thanks so much for reading

Zuks said...

★ Regarding Comment 。。。
↦ Greggory DeRoch said...
if you have a decent hr evolved to sr deck like mine the strategy is to get the moral boost to 30%. This takes holy powder and is limited to 10 minutes from first attack.

(Good info for hw defence leader that seems unbeatable)
Goes up 10 21 30. First you hit garanteed wins. perferably high pointers. When you feel confident move to the high rankers and start nailing the high points and hope you dont lose and lose that moral bonus.

Have a decent defence and appear to have a weaker deck then what you have. Defending gives alot of points. once your in the top 500 your name comes up as high ranker. you'll get alot of attacks.

The higher your attack is the more points ya get per person. So if you dont use hp let your sta build almost to max then attack. I trid that yesterday and ranked 350ish without useing hp. ↤★

☑ Excellent Advice. This inference is indeed correct.

In addition to your advice, keep in kind that level matters as well. The farther the gap between your lower level account and their higher level account, the more honor points you will receive. This rule applies whether the victory was brought on by attack or defending.

Zuks said...

★ Regarding Comment 。。。
↦ Danielle Ward said...
" (in the card building view, in battle view, it is center/right center/left center/right outside/left outside)"

This is not true when doing the def decks. I noticed that the top card was put in the right center not the center, second card was left center and third card was center....the forth and fifth remain in correct spots.

in game I am ladystarlea (new to game so thank you so much for this site and all the work you put into it. It is a is help for me and my daughter) ↤★

☒ I'm glad you brought this up because this is a big misconception among many players.

To clarify: YES! You can control the order of the cards in your deck.

The reason you may be experiencing your highest def card in slot 1, rather than your card with the preferred skill of choice is mostly likely because your "recommended def deck" is currently at the highest level of priority.

To correct this, Go to [Edit Decks] then hit [Increase Priority] on your preferred def deck. Whichever of your def deck options is highest always goes off if you have the power required to use it (Also doesn't matter which realm is attacking you).

Unknown said...

So Zuks, what would be the BEST attack deck for Gods including Srs and Hrs and even possibly Valks. If they play in.

Anonymous said...

In regards to defense decks, if you build a deck on the Anti-divine attack deck slot, and lets say a god deck attacks you, will it automatically choose the anti divine deck or the one you have prioritized the highest?