Thursday, July 26, 2012

Rage of Bahamuts FAQs

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Anonymous said...

so, is there any benefit to enhance/leveling your cards before you evolve them?

Zuks said...

That is a great question. I will create a post for it now. Check back here in an hour

Sigmamike2 said...

Is a Titan a true HR card or is it an event card? Is it considered a good trade to trade it for a Nymph?

Zuks said...

For those of you that don't know,

Here are the FACTS:

Un Evo Titan - God HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 22
Max Attack: 7660 • Max Defense: 6000
Skill: Big Hit to Foe's Man Def

Un Evo Nymph - God HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 21
Max Attack: 6530 • Max Defense: 6600
Skill: Big Boost to God's Attack & Def

With that being said: it depends on what you currently have in your deck
(if you plan on using it in your 5 card deck once the card is in Final Form)

When Trading Card Options are close in power, the first thing I look at is skill.
Both have the word "Big attached to it" normally that means a 10% increase
(See the section here on SKILL BOOSTING on the top Navigation Bar)

Now with Nymph bc its attack is spread to god's attack and def increase, it's an 8% boost at level 1

Titan on the other hand decreases 1 type (Man's) Def at 13% at level 1


If you have mostly god cards in both your attack and defense decks and plan on using the nymph in it. I would go for the Nymph. But if you don't have mostly god cards and want to take a deep chunk out of your man type (there's always a man type to battle for treasures) opponent's def, then I would highly recommend going with Titan for your attack deck. 13% base is great start!

Zuks said...

One more tip regarding this trade, a lot of people don't know about the skill type percentage differences i the boosts. Most people assume that the big boost is automatically 10% and it is not. Because of this misconception, whoever is getting the nymph 'looks' like they are getting the better deal. So if you are giving up the Nymph, you could most likely get away with telling the opposing trader to sweeten the deal with 5 hp or a couple angel queens. I guarantee they will give it up unknowingly.

Anonymous said...

some one wants my cybele card and im new to game what is fair offer?

Zuks said...

Assuming that you are talking about an un-evo'd version of Cybele, lets start with the stats:

Un Evo Cybele - God HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 22
Max Attack: 2550 • Max Defense: 2910
Skill: Big Boost to Def (All) - Translates to an 8% Boost to each card you have in your defense deck

Because the card is one of the few that boosts everyone of your deck's defense, it will be in high demand for each type of realm making it more valuable to people that have not yet specialized there deck to one realm, which is how you get the highest attack or defense possible. Because specialized cards like:

Un Evo Paladin - Man HR Non Event Card
Power Required: 21
Max Attack: 2480 • Max Defense: 2980
Skill: Big Boost to Man's Def - translates to 13% Boost in all cards that man realm in defense deck

... have a higher boost is your deck is all one realm. So a more experienced player, with a realm specialized deck would choose that over the Cybele.

So the question is how beneficial is Cybele going to be to you for the time being?
(BTW boosting any cards levels before its final evolution is pointless since they reset everytime you evolve. I recommend only using FF cards in your 5 card decks).

If you plan on getting more of her for that 8% boost to your deck, I would keep her for the time being, If not then here is what I would consider a fair trade:

• An Equal Value Un-Evo'd High Rare Card- non event card that has a similar "Big" Skill (Not a card you get from treasure completion either that can't be evolved - look for the four circles at the bottom of the card, if you don't see them, it's a treasure card)

• A Final Form High Rare Card (Took 4 Rares to make it) & 2 Good Atk/Def/Skill Rares) o

• 5 Un Evo Good Atk/Def/Skill Rares

• approximately 25-30 combo of holy powders and cure water

These are just my opinion based one what I know as posted in this blog. But look at those options and see what you need more for the time being. Let me know if there's anything you need further explanation on and good luck!

Anonymous said...

awesome thx, i picked god realm, i like the card look better, it was a random person who messaged me I dont even know how they knew i had the card,

i would like to keep her for now i guess till i fully undertsand ..i like this blog tho props

Anonymous said...

How do we know when is the 50% more chance to buy/ claim the pack? Do they tell or there is an especific time already?

Anonymous said...

Does the archive lv max bonus work because it says it cuts recovery time by one second but after i use up all my stamina it still says 4 hours with my stamina being at 240.

Zuks said...

Not a specific time that I am aware of, but believe me they do announce it in their banners. Normally, it's right before Holy Wars.

Zuks said...

Yes it does actually work, however when the recovery time for stamina is displayed, it actually rounds the number. You really won't start noticing the difference till you build your stamina more and higher max bonuses unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

I Know angel bunny isn't a good high rare but im trying to get some. What is a fair trade?

Bella0034 said...

Hi mizzy!! This is not a question but a statement YOU ARE THE FRIKIN BOMB!!! Ty for this and all you do for us! LUV YOU!!

Zuks said...

You are quite welcome, I personally just got tired of having to go from site to site for info on the game. Glad its useful to others than just me ;)

Zuks said...

No No it is great High Rare! lol The Angel Bunny, Rabbiteer, & Lillith Limil gets a bad rap bc of their lower attack, but they also require lower power! A must have if you want to jump from battle to battle without waiting to fully regain your power. Also nice for going against opponents that are lower than you.

As far as what is fair, I would say for starters they are all worth each other, but other than that I would say one unevo of them is about equal to 3-4 rares, 2-3 invite promo cards (ex. Hild), or perhaps a combo made up of 10 hp/cw total.

These cards have great skills for their power level! Speaking of... pick up those Angelic Knights while you can! Especially, if you have a mostly god deck.

*Perhaps you can get these cards for even cheaper than what I suggested bc people underestimate their worth, Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Lol I have a fully evolved Angelic Knight maxed 4 card evo altho the few extra hundred stats retained didn't seem that worth it. But yea i was gonna use it for back up attacks like you suggested. Trying to 8 card max hilds, lol but might take like 1 million ruppees and a whole lot of time. Do you happen to know the stats of a 8 card maxed hild maxed at every evo?

user: blackjack3305

Anonymous said...

my in game id is mikemarino30, i asked about cybele..

i have these cards dont know if they are good

man -
dancing princess
high shaman
high witch
holy knight
high ninja


now i am wanting god build, are any of those cards good to trade?

Anonymous said...

Hi mizuki i tried to contact you InGame it's about that thing i read on gamefaqs.
It is possible to have multiple accounts on 1 (jailbroken) iDevice right? My question being if you know a "how to" haven't been able to find anything up until now..
Thnx in advance , Razeall

Zuks said...

Yes it's def possible. The best person to help u with that is Emile. Her info is in the contest portion of this blog

Zuks said...

Berserker, dancing princess, & inugami will all help you get great cards. Try to trade them for similar SR/HR cards

Anonymous said...

Hello question is it a fair trade a UE dancing princess for a ss Max angel princess?

Anonymous said...

What are the benefits to being a Vice-leader in an order? Does the order receive any benefits?

Zuks said...

R u talking about the SS [hope] princess angel? For the dancing

Zuks said...

R u talking about the SS [hope] princess angel? For the dancing

Zuks said...

Just means u get 1.2 points, rather than one defeating him in holy wars, rather than getting 1.5 from beating the leader. No other benefits really.

Anonymous said...

Someone wants to trade me 2 kratos for an axe master. I already have a kratos+. is this a good trade ? ingame name is flexpav

Anonymous said...

This site is awesome! I've been waiting for a site like this. Is there any way we could get a list of the skills that cards have. That is the only thing this site is missing. If u had that this would be even more the ultimate site for Rob help. Also on the new list of cards and their stats when evolved the different ways (awesome by the way) are there more cards in some of the realms? Because it looks like u can see the top of some more writing. But I can't figure out how to scroll down in the realm. It just moves the whole page. Again props on the awesome site!

Zuks said...

Those were all the cards that I am aware of at this time. But yes, I will def work on getting a full skill list. Great idea! Thanks for the great feedback.

Joshua Gallaway said...

Is [UE] bucaneer for [UE] kratos a good trade ?

Zuks said...

Yes, they counter balance one another depending on what type of skill u could best use.

Klahan1224 said...

First off I apologize if this has already been answered but I have not found it in the FAQ or anywhere else on the blog.

About Battles, I am from the Demon realm and my leader is a High Daemon. When I do battle I have a few non demon cards with skills that I sometimes use in battles. My question is when using them in battles how do I get their skills to be used? Also, if you have two of the same cards in your battle deck that have skills are only one of their skills used (this is what I have seen when trying)?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks ~ Klahan1224 (jyz13868)

Zuks said...

"Anonymous said...
Lol I have a fully evolved Angelic Knight maxed 4 card evo altho the few extra hundred stats retained didn't seem that worth it. But yea i was gonna use it for back up attacks like you suggested. Trying to 8 card max hilds, lol but might take like 1 million ruppees and a whole lot of time. Do you happen to know the stats of a 8 card maxed hild maxed at every evo?

user: blackjack3305"

Yes go to the EVO Spreadsheet tab at the top menu. There is 6 & 8 card max listed there for valkyrie under hilds. In my opinion 8 isnt worth it, go 6.

Zuks said...

"Klahan1224 said...
First off I apologize if this has already been answered but I have not found it in the FAQ or anywhere else on the blog.

About Battles, I am from the Demon realm and my leader is a High Daemon. When I do battle I have a few non demon cards with skills that I sometimes use in battles. My question is when using them in battles how do I get their skills to be used? Also, if you have two of the same cards in your battle deck that have skills are only one of their skills used (this is what I have seen when trying)?

I hope this makes sense.

Thanks ~ Klahan1224 (jyz13868)"

That is an awesome question, and no it hasn't been answered anywhere else on this forum. I am going to create a section on Battle Decks. That answers that question. Great job on that one! Check back in a few hours when you see the tab for "Battling" Battle Decks.

Yasuro said...

I have a question. I read the post about cards skills and when they go off during the battle. I have a vayu 4 max evo with skill lvl 3 but her skill doesnt activate during the battle (not even once in 20-30 battles so far) I have valk hild, angel bunny, nymph, vayu and gold fox in my atk deck. I put vayu in the middle but still her skill does not activate. Do u know why? Btw I love reading ur awesome info.

Åke said...

Could someone please explain how ATK/DEF boost works.

Example Great Spirit boost man ATK/DEF and wondering that if I attack a player and that players has man card will Great Spirit then boost that players man cards as well?

RageofMYOWN said...

I want to know if I have multiple account which each are registered to different devices but I use a particular phone I like to login everyday to different account, will I get ban after a certain amount of time had passed? aka find out, is it violating the terms?

Zuks said...

I would think no, Bc what if someone lives with someone else & they both play the game. In addition to playing on their phones, they also use an iPad (where they both log in). As long as the original accounts were created on different user devices, you should be fine.

Zuks said...

But if the game finds out that someone is exploiting this by telling people that you are using multiple accounts, they're not afraid to enforce the ban hammer.

Zuks said...

I would try and squeeze 1-2 more rares out of him since ax is a high rare. However it is an event card, so don't expect a lot.

Zuks said...

Yes Vayu's skill is a defense skill, it only goes off when you have her in your defender deck. Not attack.

MoonlitMystery said...

aloha :) what quest levels do u recommend for farming rupies? and is there a certain quest level that will give HN with skills?

Zuks said...

Best to farm in area 2 for feeder cards. Yes there are certain higher level quests that give you Hn skill cards. But it's low probability and u have to spend a lot of stamina. As far as Rupies go, I never really looked into it Bc you can always sell those feeders to another player for approx. 5-10k a piece.

MoonlitMystery said...

thanks again for coming to the rescue! :)

vella69 said...

Hi, i just started playing and your guide are awesome. just a quick question, should my main go for the quest ? and my alt account for feeder quest ? because at 9-4 i only got normal card. does the higher level quest i go, higher chance getting rares or high normal with skills?

Zuks said...

Actually I would reccommend anytime you need cards for enhancing to have both accounts do mission 2-5. Then gift the enhanced card back between the two accounts. Bc even if you were to only do the highest level quest, the end result would still equate for a better enhance ratio just by doing quest 2-5. The highest card available

Zuks said...

... Are gigas, mystic shooter & Pegasus. All of which are high normal cards you can't get from friendship packs. However, once you've received four of each (for purposes of gaining the archive bonus), I wouldn't bother wasting my time there any longer. You're better off using the skill cards that u get from the friendship packs for enhancing or in event quests ( like the one coming up).

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MoonlitMystery said...

Earlier u mentioned that Vayu only works in a def deck. I was wondering, ow do u know when a card will only work for defense? And does this also mean that certain cards only work in atk deck?

Demon said...

I have three questions. What would the difference be between a 6-2 and a 6-6 luci if i were to sell it after the promotion ended in value in HP/CW? And how hard is it to kill event bosses in CW events? What amount of attack would be sufficient?

Demon said...

Lol more questions popped into my head. umm how do you get a whole lot of high rares? Do you get them from events? Or do you buy them with HP/CW that you get from selling an S rare etc?

RageofMYOWN said...

Tyvm, I feel a whole lot better now :)

Unknown said...

Hi. Im pretty new to the game but know quite a bit about it but how do you make a castle for the holy wars?

ChaosCrusader said...

@Wesley, You don't; all orders have a castle by default. It's not something you have to build. Just make sure you build the realm boosts and as many walls as you can.

Unknown said...

I'm having a problem buying rage medals on my iPhone. I've tried rebooting, deleting and installing, and logging out but nothing helps. I asked the mobage support and game support but they keep sending back to each other. Would anybody have a clue what's wrong?

Elena said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zuks said...

"I'm having a problem buying rage medals on my iPhone. I've tried rebooting, deleting and installing, and logging out but nothing helps. I asked the mobage support and game support but they keep sending back to each other. Would anybody have a clue what's wrong?"

Are you getting the message "Bank Unavailable?" or is your purchase just not going through? Have you contacted iTunes?

Zuks said...

I'm Closing the FAQ Section of this blog and asking you to redirect any questions you can't find on this blog in the Q&A Section on Rage Trades Forums. Hit the Trading and Classified Listings Option on the top Menu Bar.