Monday, September 17, 2012

How Bazaar?!

Hello fellow traders.

Now that we all have gotten acquainted with the new bazaar feature, I'm interested in hearing your thoughts on it.

About the Bazaar

The Bazaar is a feature in which you can trade desired things with others.
You cannot specify users with whom to make deals at the Bazaar.
Any user can accept your sale offer as long as they have everything on your Bazaar Wishlist.
Card and Item deals are possible.
You can sell cards for other cards, items, and Rupies. For item deals, you can only sell Cure Water and Holy Powder for each other.

Cards you put up for sale in the Bazaar cannot be set as your leader card, Safeguarded, sold, traded nor gifted.
The stats of cards obtained through the Bazaar are carried over as-is.
Items you put up for sale in the Bazaar cannot be used, traded nor gifted.

How to Use the Bazaar
There are 2 ways to make deals on the Bazaar.

Search for sales and make a deal.

Search for other user's sales via the Bazaar Search menu.
Deals will only be possible if you hold all the things on the seller's Bazaar Wishlist.
Once you tap 'Make Deal,' the deal will be made automatically.
The items from the deal can be claimed from 'Completed.'
The seller will remain anonymous until the deal is already completed.

Put cards or items up for sale and make a deal.

Put items up for sale by tapping 'Item Sales' or cards by tapping 'Card Sales.' Then add things to your Bazaar Wishlist.
You can add 5 types of things to your Bazaar Wishlist: cards, Rupies, Cure Waters, Holy Powders and Magic Circles.
The quantity of Cure Waters or Holy Powders you can add to your Bazaar Wishlist is limited depending on the rarity of your card for sale.

The maximum quantity per item type is as follows:

Normal Card - 3 Items
High Normal Card - 5 Items
Rare Card - 15 Items
High Rare Card - 200 Items
S Rare Card - 800 Items
SS Rare Card - 3,000 Items
Legend Card - No Limit
*Some cards have a different limit than the one stated above. E.g. Devil Queen (only) - 200 Items
*In the future, even cards with the same rarity may be adjusted to have different max. items based on their evolution stages.
*There are no quantity limits on cards nor Rupies for your Bazaar Wishlist.

If you add more than one type of thing to your Bazaar Wishlist, nobody can accept your offer unless they have everything on your list.

Only Cure Water and Holy Powder can be sold.
You cannot put an item you are selling on your Bazaar Wishlist.
You can sell 5 - 150 at a time.
The quantity of items in your Bazaar Wishlist can be from 50 percent fewer than to 100 percent more than the quantity of items you are selling above.

You may cancel pending sales at any time via 'Pending Sales.'

Bazaar Search

You can search by specifying desired cards or items.

When searching for cards, you can search from your current Card list or even your Wishlist, so if there is a card you want, put it on your Wishlist!

You can add cards to your Wishlist via the following:

Card List
Card Archive
Other users' Card Archives (only if public)
Other users' sales
When searching for items, you can specify the quantity of Cure Waters or Holy Powders for sale.
You can also expand your search range by plus or minus 10%.

About Bazaar Tickets
Bazaar Ticket are required for selling or buying things at the Bazaar.
Bazaar Tickets used for buying/selling vary depending on the rarity of the cards.
The number of tickets used per Rarity are as follows:

Normal Card - 1 Ticket
High Normal Card - 1 Ticket
Rare Card - 1 Ticket
High Rare Card - 2 Tickets
S Rare Card - 5 Tickets
SS Rare Card - 5 Tickets
Legend Card - 5 Tickets
Also, if you have fewer than 5 Bazaar Tickets, they will be replenished to 5 by the Daily Login Bonus. However, you will not get additional Bazaar Tickets through the Daily Login Bonus if you already have 5 or more tickets.
Bazaar Tickets are not sent to your Presents. You can check them at the Bazaar.
Even if a transaction is cancelled, the ticket(s) will be considered used and will not be returned.
Users who have not registered their devices will have partial restrictions.
They will not receive Bazaar Tickets when logging in.

About the Bazaar display

Part of the Bazaar Search Results display is currently restricted as a measure to prevent improper usage.
This restriction varies depending on the user and is changed irregularly.
As a result, the cards or items you put up 'for sale' may not be displayed in your search results.
This is not due to sale offer failing to go through; it is due to the restriction placed on your search results. You can confirm whether or not your sale offer was processed successfully via 'Pending Sales'.
ROB cannot answer inquiries about the details of this restriction which prevents improper usage nor inquiries about the exact timing in which the restriction changes.

Your Thoughts...

What are your thoughts on this new development?

Have your trades been hindered being confined to fellows and order members that you've only had for 2 weeks?

How long have your trades taken to go through in the bazaar?

What advice can you offer a new player signing up for the bazaar for the first time?


Unknown said...

I kinda actually like the bazaar. To go out and find a specific card right away is pretty handy. And to get a list and be able buy the cheapest one is pretty cool. I use to spend hours trolling for a certain card. Looking at people's cards, leaving dozens of support messages and trade offers, then when I finally found what I wanted, seemed people wanted way more than it's value. With the bazaar, I usually get cards at what I would consider very fair prices. And it was quick and simple. I've also sold several cards as well. Most of them HR's. I've been pretty happy with that as well. Most of the cards I've sold have been within a few minutes. A couple hours at most.

Here is what I DON'T like:

1) Only having 5 bazaar tickets a day. If you buy one S card, you're done for the day. Why have such a low limit? Or why have a limit at all?

2) The two week limit on fellows/order members is a major pain!!! I'm still not playing the game much because of this. Most of the people I traded with were not fellows/order members. I've added them, but will still be more than a week before the 2-week period is up. 2 weeks is just too long. Why not make it 3 days or something more reasonable.

3) This really hampers buying/selling feeders cards. Feeders use to be a big way this game was played. Many people sold feeders to get rupies/hp/cw, and many people bought feeders to use for enhancing. Having to wait 2 weeks every time you find a new feeder supply, that sucks.

4) Even though the ease of the bazaar is nice, it was fun at times to make deals one-on-one. Send an offer, get a counter offer, counter with another offer. That was a fun and interesting aspect of the game.

L. Wilson said...

1)Overall I like the Bazaar idea. I like being able to search for what I want and buy it right away. The ticket limitations are very annoying, as are the decision of Mobage/Cygames to include additional Bazaar tickets in the booster boxes. One thing that I've noticed in the last few days is that the value of most cards is plummeting, I assume, due to the large number of cards for sale. Maya is now going for under 20, sometimes as low as 15. I bought two Master Samurais yesterday for 14 each. A few weeks ago both of those would easily go for over 20. Oddly enough, I am selling high normal+ cards for 1hp each, which to me seems like a rip-off, but I need something to do with all those skilled feeders.

2.I hate the trade limitations. Many of my fellows are also order members and most of them don't have anything I need or want. I also have some inactive fellows but I can't remove more than one a day without penalty which is also annoying. I also can't move my feeders which sucks, because that was one way I was slowly building my hp supply.

3. Most of my sales in the bazaar are completed within about 10 minutes to an hour. If they don't sell within a few hours they most likely aren't going to sell (for me anyway) and will come back at the end of the 48-hour sale period.

4. One piece of advice to new Bazaar users would be to take advantage of some of the not so obvious features of the bazaar. If you select a card to sell from your inventory, or if you click on 'buy'/'cannot buy' while searching for a card, it brings up additional options. If you click 'Search for this card' or 'Check this card's sale status,' it will show you listings for only that card so you can find the best deal or get an idea of what to sell for. If you click 'Search for this card in your history,' it will show you the most recent transactions for that card. That one took me a bit to find because I think the wording is a bit odd, but it is a useful function. Always check what the card is currently going for before buying/selling as you don't want to get taken advantage of or waste tickets on something that wont' sell.

Kenanator said...

The bazaar isn't exactly perfect but it also isn't that bad. I've been able to get some pretty cheap cards. Seen alot of SRs drop in price though. Fairy Princess used to go for 260 HP but I've seen go as low as 200 and even saw one for 175.

Buying is so much easier now since you can just check for the lowest price. But selling just gets tougher each day since the prices keep dropping and there's always someone selling for a lower price than you. Oddly enough, I've been able to get alot of HP just for selling Rares at 2HP each. The limit is just ridiculous. If they're gonna make a limit, at least give an initial 5 tickets for login, plus x amount of tickets for your level. Ex. If you're level 60-80, you get 5 extra tickets, etc. At least this will make it less restricting. I find myself playing a whole lot less since the tickets restrict the bazaar and the 2 week wait for new fellow & order members is just stupid. A 2-3 day wait is more than enough.

A little off-topic but its been about a month since Puppet Master was announced and yet we still don't get the event. We get banned from trading for while, with absolutely no compensation, and a crappy SR card that you can't even trade at the moment, so at least they should've released the event instead of having us do nothing.

loki said...

it's kinda good overall I really wish they would've at least made separate tickets for selling and buying so that way your not just limited to one thing >>=\

Multiball said...

Pre-embargo I was an active rare merchant, buying bulk and selling 20+ a day easy by support spam, making relationships, helping others learn the game through interaction, swapping sets of max normals for archive bonuses, etc. Post embargo I cannot be a rare merchant, I cannot swap archive sets, I'm less than two weeks in my order and cannot trade with them, I have low stamina and cannot produce feeders or HNsk enough to make more than 4hp a week but couldn't sell those anyway because the bizarre won't let you list that you're selling 2hp for 9 shamans... I used to love the trade interaction, working it out with people... Don't have HP, well how about CW, how about feeders, how about skillies, treasure HR, combinations? Sure we can deal. Now, I'm out of earning options and can become a pack buyer or perish, coming up with 100hp for HW and improving my deck ain't happening unless friendship cards start the lightning which I've never seen... Bazaar is death to hustlers, great for money spenders.

Unknown said...

Yeah, I agree about the new system reducing the interaction between players. If you're not in my order or a fellow, I'll probably never support/talk with you. Before I talked to new people everyday. Usually all trade related, but sometimes after getting to know players better you would start talking about other stuff. It was nice interaction. Now it seems pretty boring. Hopefully you have an active order that does a lot of chat, otherwise it's a pretty lonely game now.

Zuks said...

You hit the nail on the head. I agree with everything u said, like we're linked in the brain lol.

dub9180 said...

All above comments are true and accurate.

MoonlitMystery said...

I concur with mark nancy. although searching for cards is easier, the 5 ticket limit is infuriating. even more infuriating that my feeder & (recently started) enhancing business came to a screeching halt. this is a very conniving way of forcing us to spend money. thanks to the ban before the bazaar, I wasn't able to replenish my HP stores after the HW... i made all of 4 HP off the bazaar. thanks to some fellows, I made a whopping 12 more since the ban was lifted. I resorted to spending $30 just to get an apsara :( I don't mind spending $30-$50 on a new RPG, but at least I got an entire game (not one stinkin virtual card, which of course is not enough to fend off strong attacks but anyhow...). ::sigh:: I'm very sad with all this. the new system really hampers the average, every day player & pampers the pockets of game developers.

Jonny Cage said...

I was quite disappointed with the announcement of the Bazaar feature. Although, since inception, I have grown to see its possibilities. I have acquired cards from the Bazaar I would have previously had to pray to Bahamut to get out of a Legend Pack. Personally, I'm enjoying the Bazaar. If I only had more HPs...

The new trade system is another can of Wyrms. The two-week waiting period to trade with new fellows is completely asinine. This restriction is seriously encroaching on my feeder accounts. I'm not one to complain much but, come on, how the hell do they expect us to interact? So much for it being a "trading" game!

I have spent a whopping $1 on the game through Mobage and that is the last cent they will ever get from me. Apart from all the malarky, I have sent them countless emails with issues I've had playing the game on my Droid Razr without a single response. Mobage has become greedy and gluttonous, feeding off of their decaying dependants. @#$& you Mobage...and thanks for the epic migraine.

Arbiter said...

Another good aspect is how far cards have dropped in value, fp for 175, gilga for 100 and thor for 150... hopefully it keeps going down and cards actually start to get realistic

Ok said...

we play a demo version of japanese original game. So its lame and more expensive if u buy cash in for cards. MOBAGE sux period. cycgames rox...if u played the japanese game version

Unknown said...

After a couple weeks of the Bazaar, I think it's amazing how much high cards have dropped, and how expensive low cards are. The last few days, I've been selling hn with skills for 1hp each. And they sell pretty quick. Yet, it's almost impossible to sell rares for even 2hp each. I put a rares for 2hp and they sit for 48 hours and never get sold. Basically have to sale them at 1hp, same as hn's. How can a lvl 10 hn be the same price as a lvl 18 Rare? Pre-baazar, I was buying hn/skills for 4 for 1 hp, now they're 1hp each. Yet all other cards R/HR/SR/SSR have come down in price. Crazy!

MoonlitMystery said...

I was do excited at first because Apsara went down to as low as 40-45... And she's been creeping back up again to 55-60+ :(

Shana3422 said...

I think it's pretty much trash. I had 3.3k Hp in cards I worked hard for months to get. And with the bazaar if I sold them and eventually undersold them to a fully sell them. I'd have about 1.8-2.2k HP. You mean be ause of the release of this bazaar I've lost around 40% of my hard work? No thnx....

And as a major fucking problem. Searching for a card through the wish list. The fuck is that? They were really that lazy that they couldn't just make a list of cards by category from A-Z in rareness.


I don't think that I'll ever spend another dime on this trash. They can sweeten card packs all they want. Look at the app store. Their 5 star game is now 3 stars. I wonder why?

And why have they been drastically improving card packs.

You know why? Because their noticing the drastic
Loss in sales. Therefore their making deals and special daily card packs and HP sets for discount.

Think of it as a clothing store losing business. They'll make more and more sales and sooner or later they'll just go out of business. Eventually card pack sales will be so bad that they'll return the game to its original status.

This is a "Trading Card Game"

Not a "Head to the grocery store and pickup a card" Game

I can't barter. I can't trade. I can't speak with people. I can't argue about cards. And I can't make HP for holywars or cw for quest events.

Playing rob for me= Log in>My Page>bazaar>scan bazaar>use bazaar if needed>close app.

Usually lasts about 2-3 minutes.

What the fuck?

Shana3422 said...

I think it's pretty much trash. I had 3.3k Hp in cards I worked hard for months to get. And with the bazaar if I sold them and eventually undersold them to a fully sell them. I'd have about 1.8-2.2k HP. You mean be ause of the release of this bazaar I've lost around 40% of my hard work? No thnx....

And as a major fucking problem. Searching for a card through the wish list. The fuck is that? They were really that lazy that they couldn't just make a list of cards by category from A-Z in rareness.


I don't think that I'll ever spend another dime on this trash. They can sweeten card packs all they want. Look at the app store. Their 5 star game is now 3 stars. I wonder why?

And why have they been drastically improving card packs.

You know why? Because their noticing the drastic
Loss in sales. Therefore their making deals and special daily card packs and HP sets for discount.

Think of it as a clothing store losing business. They'll make more and more sales and sooner or later they'll just go out of business. Eventually card pack sales will be so bad that they'll return the game to its original status.

This is a "Trading Card Game"

Not a "Head to the grocery store and pickup a card" Game

I can't barter. I can't trade. I can't speak with people. I can't argue about cards. And I can't make HP for holywars or cw for quest events.

Playing rob for me= Log in>My Page>bazaar>scan bazaar>use bazaar if needed>close app.

Usually lasts about 2-3 minutes.

What the fuck?